An Introduction to the SIC architecture

This site contains various educational materials about the Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC). Everything is split into chapters, so feel free to skip to whichever parts interest you, there is no mandatory reading order.


  1. Glossary
  2. About SIC
  3. SIC’s Feature Set
    1. Specifications
    2. Registers
    3. Instruction Format
  4. SIC/XE’s Feature Set
    1. Specifications
    2. Registers
    3. Instruction Formats
  5. Instruction Set
    1. SIC instructions
      1. Register
      2. Arithmetic
      3. Bitwise operations
      4. Comparison
      5. Jumps
      6. Subroutines
      7. Input/Output
    2. SIC/XE-only instructions
      1. Register
      2. Arithmetic
      3. Comparison
      4. System
  6. Interrupts
  7. SIC/XE Object Code
  8. Example Programs Explained
  9. Cheatsheet
  10. ASCII Character Codes

Project info

The aim of the SIC/XE collection project is to gather as much documentation and other useful resources about the SIC system as possible, including SIC/XE-related projects, such as an example implementation of a SIC/XE assembler and simulator, and an FPGA implementation of SIC/XE. If you’re interested in the project check out the GitHub organization.